

Organisation De Hallen Amsterdam

The organisation of De Hallen Amsterdam, Stichting TROM, is responsible for the daily operations and maintenance of the building.

Daily operations
Myrna de Wit, director
John Sijmonsbergen, interim director
Tieme Bezemer, office manager
Sophie Coorens, marketing manager
Jan Maarten Kops, technical support
James Interieur, daily maintenance
Nico Hoots, maintenance

Management TROM
Anita Groenink, chairman
Esgo Kuiper, treasurer
Myrna de Wit

Supervisory Board TROM 
Jan Doets, chairman
André van Stigt
Klaus Vink
Erica Schoen
Femke Borst
Macarena Loma Yevenes

Stichting TROM/ De Hallen
Hannie Dankbaarpassage 47
1053 RT Amsterdam
Tel. +31(0)20 7058164

The foundation TROM has the following objectives:
  • Acting as the managing partner of TramRemise Development Company C.V. and, in this capacity, taking ultimate responsibility for the socially and financially responsible development, operation, and management of the Tram Remise in Amsterdam West, hereinafter referred to as “Tram Remise,” in such a way that the use of the Tram Remise makes a positive contribution to the livability and cultural life of the neighborhood, district, and city, and contributes to improving access to the labor market for students and individuals with a distance to the labor market.
  • The historically responsible preservation of the Tram Remise as cultural heritage.
  • Initiating, monitoring, and evaluating management policies in consultation with the neighborhood and users.
  • Deciding on and implementing decision-making regarding proposals related to strategic management issues.
  • Participating in other legal entities with the aim of achieving the stated objectives.
  • The foundation does not aim to make a profit.

Hannie Dankbaarpassage 47
1053 RT Amsterdam

Website by HOAX Amsterdam